The Trust

The David Duarte Trust is a foreign grantor trust, alternatively known as the RF 707 393 310 US TRUST. The Private Living Estate Trust was established and recorded in two of the union member states of the United States of America. The solvent trust holds non-probate, real and personal property that are held and protected for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the estate.

As a private living trust, the details regarding the beneficiaries are confidential and not disclosed publicly. This privacy is maintained to ensure the security and protection of the beneficiaries. The trust remains private to uphold the interests and privacy of those benefiting from it. The assets within the trust are managed and safeguarded in a manner that prioritizes the beneficiaries’ interests, ensuring that their privacy and the integrity of the trust are preserved.

Furthermore, the publicly recorded announcement of the trust in the Maui News newspaper and its public recording in arizona state, maricopa county, have been duly established and undisclaimed.

Private Living Estate Trust

Established on
March 14th, 2024

Affidavit of Publication

Publicly announced and
undisclaimed trust